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Is there an ending list?

how do you get the game


See, I KNOW this is supposed to be a horror game, but the voice actor... like the voice lines all I could think was "am I about to kiss with my sleep paralysis demon??? because damn I wouldn't mind" The voice actor just has a really good voice


i got so many sexual vibes from the guy it actually made me attracted to him tbh-




how many endings can you get?


I can't download it, when I do it wont let me open it.

did you extract all the files?

This guy creeped me out so much and somehow I loved it xD thank you for the fun game! 


i wish more games like this existed

How do i open the game?


idk press alt + f4

I love this game

man this is still one of my favourit games I played it a couple months after it first got released

same i still replay it just for the memories


Can anyone help me??,how do I open the game? I t just keeps showing files i'm so confused D:??????


have you tried extracting the game?

if you have not extracted the files already, do that.

go into the folder and find a file named (Don't)OpenYourEyes.exe. it should have the .exe, meaning its executable. it might say somewhere else that its an application. double click on that to open it, and the game should open


depressed and scary game 


just well done :')


This guy creeped me out so much and somehow I loved it xD thank you for the fun game! 


Creepy, then insightful, then sad, then creepy again. All I have to say is WELL DONE to everyone involved. I was tense before the game even really began, but it expertly maintained that suspense throughout the surprisingly complex narrative. I didn't know what to feel while playing. Was that creature deserving of pity? I'm still not quite sure.

The writing, the artwork, the voice...everything worked just right. Minimalism was key here. 

I'll be thinking about this one for a long time. I've also taken a look at radio.Signal, and intend to play it sometime when I'm not about to go to sleep (this was a wonderful mistake, thank you).


i love this game its become my new comfort

Honestly same, it's become one of my comforts


The level of uneasiness is off the charts. A job well done to the voice actor that contributed to that uncomfortable feeling throughout the game. Love it! I played this game for my channel. Check it out when you have the time! 

Amazing work!

I opened my eyes, and go over 1 meter ),

it's a good game. Nice atmosphere

The game told me not to open my eyes so i kept them closed for the whole game. Now i'm blind in the game and i can't speak. Fun game but kinda creepy i love it


Play it, it's really good, the voice acting is extraordinary!

I keep coming back to this game. It will never be like playing it for the first time, but it always brings back the same feelings of sadness, compassion, and fear.

Whoever did the voice, man you nailed it! I don't think this game could be any better! Here's my POV:

Excellent game @devs ; I'll be looking out for more releases in the future
Sorry if my voice is a bit loud but I got that bass
 - Made a video , Hope you enjoy :') 

Whoever did the voice,props to you man,you killed it!

It is a good game and really did a good job at making me unconfortable but that was the goal I feel like.

i like the game i played the hole thing


great game except I was looking in a mirror cause I relate so much to how the guy feels and I wish we could see him in a sequel maybe

i wish, a sequel with an equally good narrative

This guy creeped me out so much and somehow I loved it xD thank you for the fun game! 


such a great game made me feel so uncomfortable 

cool! I always accidentally open my eyes lmao


tbh i just wanna be the demon guy's friend. i know he killed me but consider this: demon dating sim sequel?


why just why 😑 just I think this went through your head “oh boy I just survived a killer demon attack by closing my eyes hmm what if just hear me out... We date the demon

ok funhater


u know what. i would actually love this

OKAY BUT I WAS THINKING THE SAME, LIKE WHEN HE SAID ABOUT THE EYES I WAS LIKE "sexy ones" everytime demon guy asked for me to open my eyes I did cause I want him to be happy damn


For some reason, this game didn't really feel like horror to me. It felt.. sad. I related a lot with this figure, and maybe it was because of my choices, but I've never quite felt sympathy in a horror game like this. There was something endearing about the character, things that would normally be unsettling didn't really creep me out as much. I genuinely wanted to help the being, and it's something I haven't quite experienced from a game like this. 10/10.


Same. i felt really bad because we were more painting picture of us. but I did wish I was able to tell him what he looked like, open my eyes and tell him his eyes, hands, mouth.

Great game! It was spooky mostly because of the whispering voice, and I like that you get to choose what the shadow thing looks like!F :)


i love this a lot! also, does the thing the player encounters have a name of any kind? just curious

it's one of the best horrors that i saw. Is there any difference in the ending based of what do i choose?

Alguien sabe como ponerlo al español?

solo esta en ingles


i will love a complete story about this character, i genuinaly felt a conection with him, i want to see him, i want to hear him, and i want to open my eyes

I enjoyed playing the game and liked the concept!  I liked the idea behind don't open your eyes! 

I literally picked every characteristic based on what I related the most and when they called me out for that I was shocked-

damn this game hits close from home, amazing work y'all. 11/10!!

This guy creeped me out so much and somehow I loved it xD thank you for the fun game! 

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