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one small issue i waited for the last moment to open my eyes, saying yes open and he start to go physio when i said yes. when i hit no it did the same thing :/ 


that's the point

This game is amazing. A very enjoyable experience and a great short game. Definitely recommend if you like horror games where choice changes the story. 10/10   


i want to give them...a littol kiss




sorry that your dick is small


i don't see anything


he was probably hot



hey i downloaded the game, but how do i open the game and play it help me plz and the other peep in the comments


you could try to use the itch app,is like steam but itch

nice and creepy good job good game 

(3 edits) (+1)

I’ve downloaded the game, but Idk how to play it. Can someone tell me how to play it plz? Also, I'm using a comuter. PLZ HELP!




Go into the files for the game and find the one that says "application" under the type.

Double click that, and it'll ask you if you want to extract all. Yes and wait.

Then it'll bring you to another page that is a lot like the one you were just on, but the thing you clicked might be different. Click it again and it'll open and you can play it.

Pretty much everything you download here will work like that.

(1 edit) (+3)

Grimblie is funny

Really funny man he was charming

(1 edit) (+1)

At first we thought this would be full on horror, but in the end it sparked some (stupid) conversations between us as we played.

Thank you for making this!

We made a long video out of it...

(1 edit)

One of you sound like my teacher

this is funny lol


See our full review here; (#8)

(P.S. Great voice acting!)

-👄-      got it


ok i played this at 2 am, got super scared at first, but then started crying because i related so much to him, which probably says WAY too much about me but thats not the point. to me the dialogue in the middleish chunk gave me really strong "if we want the rewards of being loved, we must submit to the mortifying ordeal of being known" vibes which i LOVE, 100000/10 i will be telling all my friends to play this because i loved the whole thing. also idk if this was just me, but the room/house set up is EXACTLY like mine? kinda freaked me out lol. my legs were stretched out, my door on the opposite wall and on the far left, with my closet/dresser to the right of the door, the door open to the hallway with a room just barely off to the left, pictures on the wall on the left of the door. the only thing different was the location of the light switch. makes me feel like im in a simulation too... 

10/10 would play this again. At first I felt bad for him, then the twist hit.

Deleted 50 days ago

You need a computer.

Good, but I hate reading so I didn't really get the full experience as I kinda skipped through it a bit. To those who enjoy a lot of reading, I strongly recommend checking it out. I just didn't read it all based on personal preference, nothing against the storyline or developers. Keep up the great work, it was really well made and had a great story from what I did read of it.

(1 edit) (+1)

OMG I loved this game i got all scared and I even got that gut feeling when u  go down a rollercoaster;)

So at last I really loved it and it was actually scary 

really epic


For some reason whenever I tried to open the game, it says that the exe is missing even though I downloaded the whole file!

10/10 very spooky! i would like to hug my whispery friend tho


I can't open the game... I execute the exe and it says that that exe is missing...? Help ;3; never happened before for a renpy game

This game was so fun to record for a video! It's definitely worth playing if you haven't yet :)


such a creepy game! Please check out my play through for full review 


-Made a Video. (Old Video)


I know the game was supposed to be creepy but I couldn't stop roasting the poor guy hahahaha. The art was really creepy though if that's what you were looking for!


I really enjoyed this game. It's eerie listening to this 'visitor' talk about himself and his travels. I almost feel bad for him, but something keeps nagging me in the back of my mind that he is not as he seems. Wouldn't mind a somewhat happier ending for him but all in all I loved the mystery.


This game is a masterpiece! I love the creepy art, ASMR (monster?), everything is great about this game. Enjoyed it...

(1 edit) (+4)

I created a account here just to say that this game is fucking awsome! Good work dude, but please

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

Hi this is my gameplay in Spanish, I add subtitle to the video in Spanish. This is the part #1. I hope you enjoy it. Pls share,the Spanish people are grateful to see this video translated

Don't open your eyes was the third game I played in this video and I very much enjoyed it, I couldnt take my eyes off of the screen.

this was a neat little creepy atmospheric game, good work!


So... I have played this game and even made a video about it. It's uhm... certainly something else. I would not say creepy, mostly unsetteling. But maybe I am just no fan of having a Nightime Visitor.
If you are interested, here is my video.


It was a really fun and unique game I really enjoyed it :) 


This game was surprising creepy, the whole time I expected something to reach out and rip my face off. The ASMR voice got me good though lol, aptly named title for the game! Long dialogs though. 


Interesting concept, some parts were genuinely creepy, but I did feel like there was too much run on poetic dialogue and the creepy tension gets lost at times.


don't ya love it when everyone throws their let's play in your comments?


Okay! First of all I want to say: GREAT GAME! It is a really good story and perfect for people who want to play a creepy game but are not into the jumpscare, loud noise, creepy ghost girl type of horror!

Second of all I want to ask you how this game came to be, because as I will explain in the video, I've had real life experiences that were almost identical to this game. Sometimes I got very creeped out and interested at the same time because moments in the story were so accurate and detailed to my personal experiences. Yes... I may seem like some lunatic but this is so very interesting to me because these experiences have been happening for years and I just found this game yesterday... So I would love to know your inspiration for the story!


Really unique game style, surprised me with how creepy this atmosphere was. really came out great :) 


This game makes me feels terrified and pity at the same time. A good game to play when you feel lonely in your bed and need someone to talk to!


this game is great! just the info on the game you're given is great, it leaves you wanting more info on the game. the art makes it even better too, makes it live a lot more lively! however... the game did feel very slow at some points and boring.

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